​Contact Us: 1-800-857-0500​

A Mental Health, Substance Abuse Counseling
and Community Support Services Center
Referral and Intake
Quick Access starts here!
NOE has an open door policy so we do not reject or turn away anyone. We will work with the consumer at whatever capacity necessary to ensure that the individual or family get the services that they need. No one will be denied access for services due to an inability to pay. A sliding fee schedule of discounts based on family size and income is available.
Over the phone or in person, a Service Representative in our Intake Department will be happy to go over all our services in detail, collect basic demographic information and establish a method of payment for services. Based on teh services needed, an appointment will then be scheduled for the consumer to meet with one of our licensed Clinicians. When calling or coming in, in order to get services in the most efficient way, consumers and/or referral sources will need to have social security and insurance information available.