​Contact Us: 1-800-857-0500​

A Mental Health, Substance Abuse Counseling
and Community Support Services Center
Our Mission
Northeast Occupational Exchange, Inc. (NOE) exists to assist persons who are physically and mentally disabled and otherwise vocationally handicapped to maximize their independent living capability, eliminate abuse and dependence on substances and enhance employability and economic independence through the provision of integrated: Personal and Social Adjustment Training Programs, Advocacy, Vocational, Educational, and Psychological Assessment, Psychological Services, Residential Services, Community Placement Employment Programs, and Substance Abuse Services. Northeast Occupational Exchange accepts MaineCare, Medicare, private insurances and self pay. A sliding fee schedule is available upon request - please contact the billing office for more details.

Our History
Northeast Occupational Exchange, Inc., a licensed mental health and substance abuse agency serving adults, children, and adolescents, began out of necessity in November, 1975. Dr. Charles O. Tingley, a psychologist, founded NOE and remains as CEO/Clinical Director. Mental health consumers were an essential part of the initial program development and incorporation group. These individuals recognized the need and wrote the mission and bylaws of NOE as they exist today.
Sharon Greenleaf, CRC-MAC, LCPC, NOE's Assistant Director, has been with NOE since March, 1976, and can attest to the many fund raisers that helped keep the agency afloat. "We had car washes, bike-a-thons, bake sales...anything we could think of," she said. It wasn't until the early 1990's when NOE received its comprehensive clinic license that they were able to access additional funding resources. In the early 1990's, NOE's adult outpatient, community support, day treatment, dual diagnosis, and substance abuse programs and parenting training began to develop and expand.
Children's Services began with outpatient and have expanded to family and community support, case management, and day treatment over the years. "This is an area of great need and many demands are made on these services," said Tingley. Prevention at all levels has been a priority across NOE's intervention strategies. Youth and families come with established problems. Behavioral planning and treatment programming is necessary. Early intervention and emphasizing secondary prevention efforts entail working with youth, families, parents and adults in a treatment matching methodology. This helps people through the early clinical needs assessment and goal-setting process and links them to relevant, empirically validated treatment services. NOE continues to deliver much needed services to many consumers. We have offices throughout Maine (Bangor, Lincoln, Newport, and Dexter). NOE's quick access referral and no waiting list policies accentuate the true spirit of prevention at all levels. Consumers are offered treatment along an extensive continuum.
Persistence, consistency and timeliness are guiding principals and "we will always exchange interest and motivation for practical knowledge and skills."