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No potentially identifying information will be included on any forms which move beyond the staff of Northeast Occupational Exchange, Inc. without the client's written permission. One (1) form is utilized for requesting or releasing information. These forms shall insure: That a client know to whom and when information is to be released or requested about him/her.That both the client and therapist share the responsibility for releasing or requesting information.That time periods, place and/or person be specified.That the client's (or guardian's) authorizing signature be obtained prior to request or release.No records, forms, applications or reports shall be requested regarding a particular client unless that client provides prior signed authorization on completed request form.No records, forms, applications or reports shall be released regarding a particular client unless that client or client's legal guardian provides prior signed authorization on a completed release form. Except when psychologist/Director of NOE deems release of such information necessary for substantial health and/or well being of the client or other person(s).When information has to be released for third party reimbursement, client and/or guardian will be informed and may choose to pay for services rather than have information released to third party payer.Client records are stored in locked file cabinets.Automated record keeping systems will be restricted by access codes. All automated records will have a tape-backup system. This system will be backed up on a daily basis. This will be the job of the staff designated by the Director to do so.

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