​Contact Us: 1-800-857-0500​

A Mental Health, Substance Abuse Counseling
and Community Support Services Center
Community Support Services
Our Community Support Services INCLUDE:
Day Program: This is a day long treatment program designed to help people with ongoing physical and mental health conditions learn new skills to live fuller, healthier lives. Groups are designed to teach independent living skills, personal and social skills, prevocational skills, community integration skills, and communication skills.
Intensive Outpatient Program (Substance Abuse): Group programs designed specifically for men and women to understand the dynamics of co-occurring disorders, managing stress, withdrawal syndromes, recognize and manage relapse triggers and learn to use relapse prevention skills.
Community Integration Services (CIS): This program is designed to educate individuals and bring people together so they will learn how to sustain within the community. Case Managers are a resource to assist individuals to access community resources and coordinate your needs in life. We help link individuals with services and service providers, monitor individuals well-being and developing personalized and manageable goals. The program centers on the following aspects of life: Housing, Finances, Basic Needs, Social Relationships, Emotional and Physical Wellness, Vocational Skills and goals leading to direct integrated job placement
Independent Living Services (ILS): The Independent Living Services (ILS) Program assists people who have significant disabilities to live more independently in their homes and communities.
Behavioral Health Home Services (BHH): A team approach involving your participating Primary Care Provider to help people with chronic health conditions learn new skills to live fuller, healthier lives.